
Schwamberger Death Star

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the artwork they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis fly their x-wing planes away from the Death Star just as it begins to explode.

Schwamberger Control Room

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures and scenery they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the control room of the Death Star and destroy the motherboard so that the Death Star will explode.

Maxwell Death Star

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the artwork they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis fly their x-wing planes away from the Death Star just as it begins to explode.

Maxwell Battle crew

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the Stormtroopers using The Force so that they can get into the control room to destroy the Death Star.

Houston Flight crew

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the artwork they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis fly their x-wing planes to the Death Star in an attempt to destroy it.

Houston Death Star

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the artwork they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis fly their x-wing planes away from the Death Star just as it begins to explode.

Houston Control Room

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures and scenery they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the control room of the Death Star and destroy the motherboard so that the Death Star will explode.

Houston Battle crew

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the Stormtroopers using The Force so that they can get into the control room to destroy the Death Star.

Furlong Flight crew

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the artwork they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis fly their x-wing planes to the Death Star in an attempt to destroy it.

Furlong Control Room

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures and scenery they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the control room of the Death Star and destroy the motherboard so that the Death Star will explode.

Furlong Battle crew

Fourth grade students created a stop-motion animation using the papier mache figures they made in Art class. This project was done in collaboration with the music teacher for the fourth grade performance. After the animations were made, students created musical compositions to accompany the scenes. In this scene, the Jedis overtake the Stormtroopers using The Force so that they can get into the control room to destroy the Death Star.

Cyber-Safety Episode- All 4 episodes Review

SJHS News Crew's Nathan G. teams up with Officer Payne to inform students of the responsibilities of Cyber-Safety. This video is a collection of all 4 episodes aired during the school Internet Safety Week.

Cyber-Safety Episode 4

Nathan G. from the SJHS News Crew teams up with Officer Payne to inform students of the responsibilities of Cyber-Safety: Episode 4 talks about bullying laws..

Cyber-Safety Episode 3

Nathan G. from the SJHS News Crew teams up with Officer Payne to inform students of the responsibilities of Cyber-Safety: Episode 3 talks about legal consequences.

Cyber-Safety Episode 2

Nathan G. from the SJHS News Crew teams up with Officer Payne to inform students of the responsibilities of Cyber-Safety: Episode 2 talks about keeping personal information safe.

Cyber-Safety Episode 1

Nathan G. from the SJHS News Crew teams up with Officer Payne to inform students of Cyber-Safety. Episode 1 talks about Cyber-Bullying and Identity issues.

Aviator Flight Fest 2015 Promo (2 min. version)

Sycamore Junior High News Crew teams up with the school's Aviator Flight Fest 2015 fundraising committee and the SJHS Music Department in creating a promotional video.

Aviator Flight Fest 2015_SJHS NC Promo

SJHS News Crew promotes the Aviator Flight Fest 2015 Event

Aviator Flight Fest 2014 (40 sec. Promo)

SJHS News Crew promotes the 2014 Aviator Flight Fest on the Aviator Stadium Scoreboard.

Aviator Flight Fest 2014 (60 sec. Promo)

SJHS News Crew promotes the 2014 Aviator Flight Fest on the Aviator Stadium Scoreboard.
