
Animation Idol - Animation #2

This Animation Idol animation is from competitor #2. Vote for your favorite animation and register for a chance to win a prize from our sponsors at the Sycamore High School Animation Idol website.

Andi DiMasso Animation Idol

Andi DiMasso was an Animation Idol champion in 2010.

Andrew Spellman Animation Idol

Andrew Spellman was an Animation Idol champion in 2006.

Cathryn Chuey Animation Idol

Cathryn Chuey was an Animation Idol finalist in 2008.

Joe Lee Animation Idol

Joe Lee was an Animation Idol champion in 2007.

Jon San Miguel Animation Idol

Jon San Miguel was an Animation Idol champion in 2007.

Joonhyuk Lee and Evan Chu Animation Idol

Joonhyuk Lee and Evan Chu were Animation Idol champions in 2009.